The Volta Home Orphanage in Vedeme, Ghana, is the latest recipient of food items from the 2024 “Feed the Orphans” project by Joy in Giving Foundation.
The items include eggs, smoked herrings, chicken, beans, rice, palm oil, vegetable oil, and noodles, which will provide meals for approximately sixty orphans over the next three months.
The goal of the “Feed the Orphans” project is to address the nutritional needs of orphans and restock the orphanage’s pantry.
The Volta Home Orphanage has benefited multiple times from our bi-annual initiative.
Joy in Giving Foundation has presented food items to Heart of Mercy Orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya. This gesture fulfills our “Feed The Orphans” project, which aims to meet the nutritional needs of orphans and replenish the orphanage’s pantry.
The items included eggs, silver cyprinid, tin fish, rice, vegetable oil, maize flour, indomie noodles, and cookies. Our Kenya Charity Coordinator, Claire Wachira of Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, presented the items to the founder of Heart of Mercy, Pastor Handson Marabou Keengu.
Currently, Heart of Mercy cares for children, most of whom have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS.
Joy in Giving Foundation has unveiled a new logo as part of a brand overhaul to reflect our new status as a United States Nonprofit Organization with 501(c)(3). Our new logo features symbols that resonate with our goal of serving children from different regions in Africa. Our famous tagline, “ ….straight from our hearts,” still reflects the love we attach to everything we do.
Since its inception in Ghana in 2015, Joy in Giving Foundation has worked with orphanages in the Volta, Eastern, and Greater Accra Regions providing necessities to help improve the livelihood of children.
We loved our old logo and the role it played for almost a decade. Still, we had to embrace the evolution to communicate better, who we have become and what we do for orphans in other African countries aside from Ghana.
So, over the next few weeks, you will see all the other visuals around Joy in Giving Foundation aligning with this new logo as we also refresh our look on all our digital platforms.
Great News! Joy in Giving Foundation has earned the prestigious Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid (GuideStar), marking a significant milestone in our desire to remain open and accountable to all our stakeholders.
Candid provides the most comprehensive data and insights about the social sector, making it easy for donors to find verified non-profit organizations.
Joy in Giving had previously earned the Bronze and Silver Transparency Seals after meeting the requirements.
With our Gold Seal status, you can have full confidence in our operations, and rest assured that your contributions will directly impact the lives of the children we serve.
Facebook has approved the use of Fundraising Tools for Joy in Giving Foundation. This means our foundation can receive donations on Meta’s platforms to pursue its mission of transforming the lives of orphans and underprivileged children in Africa.
The approval makes it easy for anyone to support our projects on Facebook and Instagram. So, start fundraising for JOY IN GIVING FOUNDATION, INC, on your birthdays, anniversaries, or any day you choose. To begin, check that Facebook Charitable Giving is available in your country. Below are the 7 steps to follow:
Step 1
From a desktop or phone, visit the Facebook Fundraiser Page and click the green Raise Money button.
Step 2
Click on Charity
Step 3
Select JOY IN GIVING FOUNDATION, INC by searching for the name in the search bar and selecting it from the list.
Step 4
Under Who is organizing the Fundraiser? You will see your personal Profile, along with any pages that you manage. Select your profile or the page from which you want to create the Fundraiser.
Step 5
Add a fundraising goal by editing the default figure shown, choose a currency and deadline,
Fill in the title and description of your Fundraiser
Step 7
Finally, use the default photo provided or pick your own cover photo and hit Create. Your Fundraiser will be live to the public! You’ll see a screen pop up where you can invite your friends to donate, share your fundraiser in your feed, or donate to the fundraiser yourself.
Each child at the Volta Home Orphanage at Vedeme in the Volta Region of Ghana has received a set of brand-new bath towels and insecticide-treated nets. The gesture is by Exclusive Towel Boutique and the National Malaria Control Program of the Ghana Health Service.
The owner of Exclusive Towel Boutique, Miss Harriet Ashong, donated fifty assorted bath towels to help promote hygiene at the orphanage.
Towels absorb a lot of water and remain damp for hours, making them perfect breeding grounds for germs. This is why towels, especially those children use, must be washed and changed often.
The presentation of 100 insecticide-treated bed nets to Volta Home is part of a nationwide campaign to reach a zero-malaria target in Ghana and achieve the global target of SDG#3, which aims to promote healthy living and well-being for all people.
According to the WHO, malaria remains a major cause of illness and death in Ghana, particularly among children and pregnant women. The disease remains the highest expenditure in the National Health Insurance scheme.
Joy in Giving Charity Ambassador, Miss Tina Muulikaa, presented the bath towels and bed nets to Volta Home Orphanage coordinator, Mr. Charles Annabi. Click to watch the video version.
Christmas is a time when Christians all over the world remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is also a reminder that the current year is close to an end with the expectation of a new year.
The season is marked by various celebrations, including exchanging gifts, hosting parties, sharing food and drinks, buying new dresses and toys, and many other exciting and memorable activities. However, most of these gifts are perishable and will soon be forgotten as the days pass.
However, for the children at the Volta Home Orphanage, their Christmas gift in 2019 will remain food for the soul. No child will reject a party, especially a Christmas party, so our foundation organized one for them. There was plenty to eat and drink. The children danced, clapped, and laughed. These were made possible by the kind courtesy of the Joy in Giving team, who stirred up the atmosphere with joy and love.
The ultimate gift, which will not perish but will contribute to the children’s spiritual growth, was a Bible. Courtesy of the foundation’s partner, Patrick Quainoo Global Ministries, each child received a Good News Bible- a Christmas gift they will own for life. The children must have food for their physical survival, but they also need the word of God, which is food for the soul, as captured in Mathew chapter 4, verse 4-
Jesus answered, ‘It is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’ (Matthew 4:4, NIV).
We are thankful to all our partners, sponsors, and volunteers who helped us to end the year 2019 memorably.
Do you know that the one who gives and the one who receives are all blessed?
Yes! There’s a blessing in both giving and receiving.
The Bible has many verses about being blessed when you give, or, better yet, verses that promise a reward for the act of giving.
But let’s look at this one verse in Acts 20:35: “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ This verse not only encourages us to help the weak but also reminds us of the exact words of Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
It’s obvious that two acts are being compared here: giving and receiving, using the comparative adjective “more blessed than.” This means there is a blessing in giving and receiving, but comparatively, the giver is more blessed than the receiver.
I am therefore excited to know that the orphans and needy children in Ghana who benefit from our foundation are as blessed as any other receiver.
Courtesy of three of our donors, who would like to remain anonymous, the children at the Volta Home Orphanage have been treated to two different birthday parties back to back this year alone. The first party was in June, and the second one followed in July, where the children enjoyed drinks and sumptuous meals.
That is how God can bless anyone with “double” at any given time. It’s a blessing to receive!
The truth is, these parties were never on our calendar of events, but once our sponsors requested them, we organized them, and the children had so much fun.
Today, these children are blessed to be at the receiving end, but I know they will also be able to give one day.
After all, in this dispensation, we are blessed to give, and we do it with joy straight from our hearts.
Welcome to April, when Christians or followers of Christ worldwide observe the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I love Easter because God demonstrated His love for mankind by giving His only begotten son to die and to redeem us from sin and its punishment, as captured in John 3:16.
So, we can learn by also giving out of love. Let’s put our love into action this month of April by spending a little time thinking about the less fortunate children in our societies and how we can be a blessing to them.
Why children? The answer is simple. This foundation is interested in the welfare of children. But if you want to extend your thoughts to include all other less fortunate people in our communities, that would be awesome. The Bible mentions in Proverbs 19:17 that “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Any action that puts a big smile on a needy child’s face can mean so much to both the child and the giver. We should not limit our love for the needy to just the month of April. It would just be nice to keep the smiles on the faces of such children all year round.
The street is home to many needy and orphaned children
According to a UNICEF study, there are more than 200 million street children in the world, with an estimated 153 million orphaned children worldwide.
Let’s shift attention to Ghana, where our foundation currently works. I don’t know who to blame for the children on our streets or at the orphanages. In fact, will anybody even own up to it? My agenda is not to apportion blame. I would rather commend those who have provided homes and shelters for some orphans and needy children.
The truth is that their parents have abandoned some of the children we call orphans.
In common usage, an orphan is a child who has lost both parents to death. But that is not the case for every orphan in Ghana. I am told the parents of some of these orphans intentionally left them at the doors of the orphanages when they were still babies. Reasons for the irresponsible actions include poverty, divorce, abuse, fear, and even traditional beliefs.
And what about the many children surviving on the streets? Such children are exposed to the vagaries of the weather and all manner of criminals.
I still remember the sound bite from a 2011 story I did on a street child for GTV. A boy about seven loitering at Circle, now called Kwame Nkrumah Interchange, told me he was on the street because, in his own words, ” My dad says he won’t marry my mum again.” He also told me he was out on the street to get food and money for his ailing mother and siblings.
As sad as this boy’s story may be, it is the same for many children on our streets. Figures on street children in Ghana are always disturbing, with the capital, Accra alone, estimated to host more than 90,000 street children.
The “fortunate few” catered for at the various orphanages usually depend on the benevolence of philanthropists, organizations, churches, and individuals with little or sometimes no support from the government. UNICEF reports that more than 4,000 children in Ghana live in residential homes, often labeled as ‘orphanages.’
Apart from food, toiletries, clothing, and shoes usually presented to the orphanages, the children also need essentials, including potable water, educational materials, clean rooms, and sleeping beds.
We can’t be everywhere every time. Certainly, we can’t solve streetism in a day, neither can we meet all the needs of orphans at once.
But we can still make a difference, even one child at a time. Our little contribution can put a big smile on the face of an orphan, a needy, or a street child. That big smile can be our best gift any day. Happy Easter!
The National Malaria Control Programme of the Ghana Health Service has donated 100 Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets (ITNs) to Joy In Giving Foundation in Accra.
The gesture supports the foundation’s upcoming project, ensuring the orphans at the Volta Home Orphanage in the Volta Region of Ghana have a good night’s sleep in a conducive environment.
A good night’s sleep means no chance for mosquitoes to bite, thus preventing malaria at the orphanage.
Controlling and preventing malaria is essential for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. The National Malaria Control Programme aims to ensure that about 80% of the Ghanaian population sleeps under treated bed nets.
Charity Ambassador Tina Muulikaa (Right) receiving the bed nets
A Charity Ambassador for Joy In Giving Foundation, Miss Ernestina Muulikaa, received the bed nets.
The treated bed nets will help achieve the overall objective of the foundation’s project, which includes renovating the dormitories of the Volta Home Orphanage, which are currently in a very poor state, and providing bunk beds with accompanying bedclothes.